The Tau Gamma Phi was born on the 4th day of October ninteen hundred and sixty eigth at U.P. Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines... it is one of the first true Filipino fraternity ever founded that is still in existence.....since then it has grown and spread to almost every island in the Philippine archipelago and to every major university... it has chapters from Aparri to Jolo...and to all corners of the world.  |
Amidst the turbulence during the late 60's, the rallying U.P. activists, communism on the rise, Philippine government on the brink of martial law, and the worsening fraternity violence.... there rose the Tau Gamma Phi orginally known as the Order of the U.P. Triskelions. The fraternity was organized by a group of varsitarian men which were one in the thinking of re-establishing the true essence of "brotherhood" which was at that time lost and misconcepted by most. And for this very reason the Tau Gamma Phi conceptualized the so called "Anti-Frat System". With the rampant violence among warring fratenities, the uncontrollable hazing leading to a number of deaths among neophytes....It was at this time that the belief and trust in the fraternity system was diminishing. .....hence the Tau Gamma Phi was known as a " Protest Fraternity ". |